South Africa Global Youth Peace Summit

South Africa Global Youth Peace Summit- December, 2018

It is with a grateful heart that we write to you in gratitude for the incredible support you have each provided to bring the vision of the Institute for Emerging Visionaries into form this year.

Due to your support we have been able to formally launch our program and create a new model for revolutionary youth leaders who are dedicated to their unique path of service in the world; offering a new form of education that is rooted in humanitarian leadership and visionary studies. This year we are honored to share that we are working with 17 incredible visionary leaders from across the globe who each hold their own powerful vision for themselves and humanity; at a time when it is so needed.

This past week Vanessa Stone and I returned from South Africa in support of one of our Visionary Fellows Justice Sambo; who brought into form his dream of hosting the Global Youth Peace Summit in his country of South Africa. The Summit united 55+ youth from 12 countries throughout Africa in a week long experience dedicated to self-inquiry, community building, leadership training and cultural exchange.

We came together as one village united in the intention of supporting one another in our growth; recognizing that our past does not define us but rather is a customized prescription for uncovering the truth of our being and the unique gifts we are here to share with the world. 

We believe in the power and importance of this work at this time on the planet and know that it can only grow with the support and encouragement of community. 

As we come to the end of 2018 we want to extend our heartfelt gratitude to each of you who have made this work possible. As we move into 2019 may this be a year of continuing to cultivate a community of people that are here in support of a new generation of visionary leaders and recognize the power and importance of these young people at this time.

With gratitude,

Vanessa Stone & Shauna Mistretta

Shauna Mistretta